Thursday, May 29, 2014

Flashcards for Studying!

Flashcards Quizlet Link

1. Fixed Action Pattern

sequence of unlearned acts linked to a simple stimulus

2. Sign Stimulus

trigger for the behavior (ex. red in ppt. prompts the male stickleback's aggressive behavior)

3. Habituation

ignoring stimulus after constant repetition

4. Pheromones

chemical signals emitted by members of one species to affect other members of same species

5. Visual signals

physical signals to warn or send a message to members of same species (ex. white warning of mockingbird)

6. Auditory signals

sound messages (Ex. screech of a blue jay)

7. Chi- Square (X^2)

Goodness of Fit calculation that compares the experimental data with a theoretical expected distribution

8. Degrees of Freedom

a measure of how many values can vary in a statistical calculation ( used during Chi- Square calculations)

9. Imprinting

learned and innate components, limited to a sensitive period and are generally irreversible

10. Spatial&Cognitive Maps

using memory to reflect the environment through representation in the nervous system

11. Cognition

decision-making through reasoning, recollection, and judgment

12. Social Learning

learning through observation of others

13. Associative Learning

ability to associate one feature of environment with another

14. Classical Conditioning

arbitrary stimulus becomes associated with a particular outcome

15. Operant Conditioning

trial-and-error learning, reward and punishment

16. Optimal Foraging Model

based on the efficiency of the method, depicts evolution of foraging (Ex. natural selection favors minimal cost, maximum benefits)

17. Monogamous Mating Behavior

one male and one female

18. Promiscuous Mating Behavior

no mating bond

19. Polygamous Mating Behavior

an individual of one sex with several of the other

20. Polygynous Mating Behavior

one male and lots of females

21. Polyandrous Mating Behavior

one female and lots of males

22. Intersexual Selection

sexual selection; one sex chooses mates based on certain traits

23. Mate-choice Copying

females copy other females' choices

24. Intrasexual Selection

competition within the gender

25. Altruism

selfless behavior that decreases the individual's fitness but increases the fitness of others in the population

26. Inclusive Fitness

by helping other members of the same species and reproducing, the genes of the individual proliferate

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